hermitage.org.uk is the website for Hermitage village and the Parish Council of Hermitage, West Berkshire, UK.
It’s a great place to find information on Hermitage.
The site is maintained by the Hermitage Parish Council and volunteer members of the public.
What’s on hermitage.org.uk
You can find:
- information for citizens and local businesses
- information on the Parish Council and policies and plans for the Village
How hermitage.org.uk is updated
We do our best to make sure all the information on this site is accurate and up to date, but it should be highlighted that it is a team of volunteers who do this.
hermitage.org.uk is also updated based on results from user testing and feedback from members of the public.
Tracking users
We track how you use hermitage.org.uk, but we don’t collect or store your personal information (eg your name or address) while you’re browsing. This means that you can’t be personally identified.
We use Google Analytics software to track:
- what pages you visit
- how long you use the site
- how you got to the site and what links you clicked on
We don’t allow Google to share this data with anyone else.
Reuse information published on hermitage.org.uk
You can republish any of the content on hermitage.org.uk, as long as you meet the conditions of the Open Government Licence.
Links to other sites from hermitage.org.uk
hermitage.org.uk links to external organisations when that link is essential for helping someone complete a task that they begin on the site or if it’s directly relevant to citizens of Hermitage.
For example, there’s a link from the content on schools to the Hermitage School website.
We will only consider link requests if the website falls into this ‘essential’ category.
We accept no responsibility or endorse any of the content on external sites that can be accessed through these pages.
You can request a link to be added to hermitage.org.uk – please contact us via by sending us an email.
Source code for this website
Should anyone in the future who is maintaining this site need the original code it can be found on this GitHub repository: https://github.com/cronky/hermvillage